DUI Lawyer in Toronto
Offering A Top-Rated Legal Defence Against Drunk Driving Charges
Even if a person has gone their entire life without a criminal record, it only takes a single DUI conviction to upend everything. As per the Cirminal Code of Canada, you don’t even need to be engaged in careless driving or other reckless behaviours to be charged and convicted if you are driving under the influence. Merely having a blood alcohol level of 80 milligrams (mg) for every 100 ml of blood is enough to be charged with the offence. However, conviction is not a foregone conclusion. If you’re facing charges related to drunk or impaired driving, you’re entitled to a skilled criminal defence lawyer. A DUI lawyer in Toronto can help you understand your rights and fight back against charges from the Crown.
At AR Law, our legal team is devoted to getting our clients the best possible outcome. In some cases, this means having charges or penalties reduced. In other instances, it may be possible to have a case thrown out altogether. Drinking and driving charges can have serious consequences, so having an experienced Toronto DUI lawyer on your side is crucial. If you’re hoping to beat a conviction for impaired driving in Toronto, reach out to our law firm today to schedule a free consultation. Let us discuss your case and figure out the best way forward together.
Can You Beat A DUI Criminal Offence Charge?
When considering whether to hire an impaired driving lawyer in Toronto, people often ask themselves, “Is there any point in doing so?” This is a very common question among those who fail blood alcohol or sobriety tests. There’s a persistent belief that failing an alcohol level test — which may lead to an over 80 mg DUI charge — will result in an immediate conviction. While operating a motor vehicle with this blood alcohol level is illegal, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be convicted. That’s because there are a variety of defences to a potential drinking and driving conviction. For instance, the following situations may be considered:
- Police breached the right to counsel
- Officers made an illegal arrest without reasonable suspicion
- Language issues with no translator
- No proof that the accused was driving
- There was no intention to drive
Any of these defences could help a person avoid conviction for a drinking and driving charge. However, these are not the only potential legal strategies that might prove beneficial. A Toronto criminal lawyer can advise you of all your options and the best way forward in your impaired driving case. Everyone who faces DUI charges has unique circumstances in their case, so no two defence strategies will ever be the same. The one thing that remains consistent, however, is that speaking to a DUI lawyer in Toronto at AR Law will give you a better understanding of your rights. Contact us for a free case evaluation today.
What Are The Penalties For Impaired Driving In Toronto?
The criminal offence of impaired driving carries a variety of potential penalties under the Criminal Code of Canada. If convicted in Toronto, the punishment a person faces, will depend on the circumstances of their case — and possibly even on which mood the Crown counsel happens to be that day. To better understand what you’re facing, it’s important to recognize that there are two types of DUI charges. The first is known as impaired operation/ care or control of a vehicle while impaired from alcohol or drugs, and this can occur even if your blood alcohol level is under the legal threshold. It’s the type of charge a person may face if they’re accused of having control of a vehicle while being under the influence.
The second type of charge relates to operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol level of 80 mg or more. This charge can result in a guilty finding, even if every other aspect of your driving was safe. When convicted of these charges, first-time offenders may face:
- Driving probation of 12 months
- A minimum fine of $1,000
- Mandatory participation in the Ignition interlock program
- Necessary enrolment in an Impaired driving education program
These penalties increase significantly for a second offence. For instance, a second conviction will result in an incarceration term of at least 30 days. However, it’s also possible to face more serious consequences even for a first-time conviction. That’s why you should consider speaking with a DUI lawyer in Toronto.
The law states that a conviction can result in 5-10 years in prison under certain circumstances. Potential penalties can also differ based on whether the Crown Attorney seeks an indictment or a summary conviction. An indictment is more serious, but even a summary conviction can result in up to 18 months incarceration for a first DUI offence if nobody was injured or killed.
Clearly, Canada takes impaired driving charges very seriously. It only takes one conviction to leave a mark on your criminal record. This could negatively affect your professional career and even result in potential immigration issues. Experienced Toronto impaired driving lawyers can help you understand what you’re up against, and at AR Law, you can do this with no risk since we offer free initial consultations. Don’t risk your future over a drinking and driving offence. Contact our law firm today.
What Are The Potential Impaired Driving Charges?
When you’re pulled over for impaired driving in a motor vehicle, you might think the charges you’ll face are straightforward. However, this isn’t always the case. Potential penalties can vary drastically if you have prior convictions. Even if you have no prior criminal record, though, there are various impaired driving laws you may be charged under. Each of these has the potential for different penalties — including mandatory sentences under the law. Here are the most common charges related to DUI:
- Driving Under the Influence
- Impaired driving
- Failure to comply (i.e., give a breath sample)
- Over 80 mg DUI
- Repeat offences
- Aggravating factors (e.g., higher blood alcohol levels)
- Impaired driving causing harm/death
The important thing to remember is that all impaired driving cases have the potential to cause serious disruption to your life. Even if you’re barely over the legal threshold of intoxication, an impaired driving conviction can change everything. This is why you should speak with a DUI defence lawyer if you’re charged with driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Don’t make any snap decisions that could have lifelong consequences. You have the right to experienced legal representation, and at AR Law, that’s exactly what you’ll get. Contact us today to schedule your confidential consultation.
What Should You Do When Facing DUI Charges?
When working with experienced criminal lawyers, you have an advocate on your side against Crown charges. These legal professionals can do many things you may be unable to do, but this doesn’t mean you can’t help. There are various steps you can take to assist in your own defence — and many of them simply require not making your lawyer’s job more difficult. Put simply, prosecutors want to secure an impaired driving conviction with minimal hassle. By taking just a few simple steps, you can make this endeavour more burdensome:
- Stay quiet at the police station: You do not have to admit to anything. Officers will try their best to build a better case by using your words against you. However, you have the legal right to remain silent.
- Follow judicial orders: It’s possible that the courts may place certain requirements on you even before a conviction. In some cases, these requirements are necessary to leave jail. Do not make things more difficult by ignoring judicial orders.
- Speak with a Toronto DUI lawyer: Impaired driving lawyers know how the system works. They understand potential defences for the charges you’re facing. This means it’s likely in your best interest to seek legal counsel.
As long as no one was hurt as a result of driving under the influence, these cases are often straightforward. However, this doesn’t mean that a DUI charge isn’t serious. The Crown Attorney may try to convince you that a guilty plea is in your best interest. They may even promise leniency. The important thing to remember is that the prosecutor is not on your side. Their job is to successfully prosecute cases as efficiently as possible. This becomes more difficult when Toronto DUI lawyers get involved, so don’t hesitate to contact AR Law for a free consultation today.
How Can Toronto DUI Lawyers Help In Your Case?
You may believe that conviction of a DUI charge is already a foregone conclusion. Then again, perhaps you’re facing a refusal to comply charge — which often carries similar penalties to driving under the influence. Regardless of the circumstances of your situation, you’re likely wondering how an impaired driving lawyer can help.
To start, they understand the nuances of impaired driving offences and potential defence strategies that actually work. This means they may be able to have charges reduced or dropped altogether.
Of course, this is not always possible. There are certainly cases where police did everything by the book — and in these situations, it may be difficult to avoid a conviction for criminal code offences. However, an experienced DUI lawyer isn’t only successful when they’re able to get charges thrown out. Imagine you’re in a situation where you’re facing serious potential penalties related to your charge.
A legal professional can negotiate with the Crown Attorney to seek a more beneficial outcome for you. Because if you’re facing up to 18 months in jail and your lawyer helps you get nothing more than probation, it’s hard to deny that you walked away a winner.
Contact A DUI Lawyer In Toronto Today
Being convicted of an impaired driving charge is no simple matter. Even if you were not engaged in reckless driving or any other aggravating factor, the Crown is rarely lenient when it comes to these cases.
At AR Law, you’ll work with a dedicated team of legal professionals who will give your DUI case the attention it deserves. Even if you were impaired when pulled over, it’s up to the police and judicial system to do their jobs correctly. If they fail in this endeavour, impaired driving charges may be thrown out entirely. There are no guarantees when it comes to criminal charges, but Arvin Ross will use all his legal experience to provide you with a strong legal defence.
Contact us today by calling (647) 503-5251 to schedule a free consultation. You need a DUI lawyer in Toronto who will fight for you, and that’s what you’ll find at our law firm.